Wednesday, June 30, 2010


What do you do when you get into the kitchen having a mood of baking a bread and when you open your cupboard you find you run out of yeast !!!  Well, i had this experience many a times and thats when i discovered this bread with "No Yeast". Its a German bread baked with semolina (called Polenta or Maisgriess in German). So if you ever want to surprise your family by baking a nice bread with just 4 steps and in  less than 45 minutes(which includes the preparation time !), here is the recipe....

Ingredients (makes approximately 12 pieces)

All purpose flour (sifted) - 25 gms
Semolina (Polenta) - 125 gms
Baking powder - 1 tbsp
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Green chilli pepper (chopped with seeds removed) -1
Spring onions (finely chopped) - 4
Eggs - 2
Sour cream - 140 ml
Olive oil (or sunflower oil) - 100 ml

1. Mix all the dry ingredients i.e. flour, semolina, baking powder, salt, chilli pepper, spring onions in a large bowl.
2. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with sour cream and olive oil. Mix this well with the dry ingredients.
3. Pour this batter into a square form or a circular form lined with parchment paper and bake it in a preheated oven at 200 °C for 25-30 min. until lightly brown.
4. Cut into square shapes and serve as an appetizer or a snack.


  1. yum yum this looks leccckkkkkeeeeeeerrr ... and i am assuming this to be a salty version of that semolina yoghurt cake :)

  2. yeah zille, by looks its more or less like that cake...nice comparison :)

  3. Yummy savory semolina bread.I only knew of the arabic semolina cake ,the spicy version looks equally tempting :D


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